Hypnotherapy Barcelona hypnosis for health

Hypnotherapy Barcelona hypnosis center. Cognitive hypnotherapist. Speack english therapy for a lot of problems you/we can solve:

Boost Self esteem

Self-esteem is all about how we feel valued; acceptation about ourselfs, and positive thinking about what we think about other people thinking, and how much we appreciate ourselfs, accept, love …

Insomnia Treatment

When the conscious mind is occupied with worry, anxiety, negative thoughts, etc., the brain has trouble falling asleep, not resting very well, and then insomnia is coming…

Nervousness and stress long therm…

Nervousness, irritability is an emotional disorder that affects the nervous system but also affects the body, physically psychosomatically. There are situations when it can not be avoided and they are …

Phobias, fears

A phobia is a persistent fear of a specific object of a stimulus or situation. Phobia (from the Greek fear) is more than a simple fear, or fear. It’s being totally terrified of…

Insecurity, shyness

Shyness is a form of social phobia. Overcome problems such as, relate to others, speak in public, ask for a favor, solve problems of one, etc. can…

Anxiety treatment

Anxiety and prolonged depression translates into premature aging, weakness in the defense against diseases and the appearance of chronic diseases, states…

Concentration learning memory

Focus and concentration are very powerful things.
When you can focus the energy, you can produce whatever result you want and learn easily …

Growth, self realization

True creativity seems to happen by itself, because it is a product of the unconscious mind, «the part hidden in darkness» of the mind, that incubates ideas until …

Posttraumatic stress

If the unconscious mind has been shaken by some event, or by a series of negative events, this will profoundly affect the functioning …

Lose weight

If you struggle with losing weight, hypnosis can provide the extra reason to focus on your goals, and allows you to escape from the eating disorder that feeds …

Anorexia Bulimia
Discover the power you have, to change the idea you feel about food forever. Have appetite, recover weight eliminate worry about meals…

Men Sexual problems

The most common sexual deficiencies found in men are premature ejaculation and delayed yaculation; both having similar origins. A man affected by these …

Women Sexual problems

Anorgasmia is the most common sexual disorder, female … Vaginismus is an involuntary spasm of the muscles that surround the vagina, which keeps it …

Quit smoking

Therapy Stop smoking For people who have been fighting the habit of smoking for years without results, hypnosis is a non-invasive, simple method and does not require great efforts ….

Quit Alcohol

The effects of alcoholism on the body are powerful. Alcohol abuse can result in poor nutrition, liver disease, hypertension …


Drug addiction, gambling, and others. The drug users can develop different anomalies: destroyed veins, infections, weakness of the heart, functioning in their valves, hepatic affections.

👨Hello, I am cognitive hypnotherapist, and I can help you.

Hablo español y/and I can speack english.
Contact when you ready. 🖋

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